There used to be a show called “My So Called Life”. It was a 90s TV teen drama about a high school student’s constant turmoil and angst.
Do you ever think that could be the title of your life? Maybe you thought you would have amounted to more by now. Maybe there are relationship issues in your family. Maybe you don’t have the career you thought you’d have. Or you keep struggling with the same old sins. If you’ve ever felt like your life isn’t turning out like you thought it would, or worse, like you’re a disappointment to God, think again.
Think about your kids. Sometimes they feel less than adequate. They too can feel like a disappointment. Like they’re not as smart, as pretty, or as talented as others. Like they may even lack value in your sight, or even unloved. Would you ever consider anything for them other than utter devotion, and an all-out-lay-my-life-down-for-you love?
Of course not. We want our kids to feel good about themselves, to know that they are loved and valued beyond anything words can describe.
You see where this is going.
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7.11
See what great love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! 1 John 3.1
God so loved the world he gave His one and only son. John 3.16
Now think again about how much you love your kids. Would you give them away for anything? (Somebody just said “Which kid?”) 🙂
Again, of course not.
Can you even wrap your brain around a love that would give his son so that you can live? Me neither.
So I just accept it. I accept it in sheer amazement, gratitude and adoration. How He does it, I don’t know. I’m just so glad He does!
So, your “So Called” Life? Pretty stinkin’ valuable I’d say! You are definitely “so called”. So called to love Him. And so called to love others like He loves you.
Let it sink in a few minutes, then spend as much time as needed to thank Him!
Now take your “So Called Life” and let it shine!
Love, Mike