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Photos from Socks & Undies to Guatemala

Posted on June 13, 2013
By Fletcher Jonson

Thank you for being the feet and hands of Jesus!

Over 6700 socks & undies will be going to orphans all world through Orphan Outreach. A group of staff and listeners traveled to Xela, Guatemala in June to work with an orphanage called “Little House of Refuge” to deliver the socks & undies that YOU donated.

“We really cannot thank you enough for these socks and undies. – They will be going (to Orphans) ALL over the world this summer!!!!” Tiffany from Orphan Outreach.

Drum roll please….you donated

  • 3017 pairs of undies
  • 3508 pairs of socks
  • 220 t-shirts, and
  • 43 miscellaneous items

Here are some photos from the sorting and counting of your donations, and of KVNE listeners and staff delivering them and working at Little House of Refuge in Xela, Guatemala (Click each image for a larger version):