Prayer Center
two radio stations. One mission.
Need prayer during work hours? Call one of our DJs Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for Jeffrey. He recently got saved at Church Camp and we can definitely see a change in his attitude and character but he is still a 16 year old and is making some wrong decisions. He expressed he wanted to get baptized but hasn’t yet. Please pray he will make that decision so that he can complete his profession of faith and help advance God's Kingdom!
Received: August 26, 2019
Today is my first day of Graduate School to become a Nurse Practitioner. Please pray for God to guide my heart and mind over the next three years as I further my career.
Received: August 26, 2019
My son is facing a decision of paramount importance. This will affect several people including himself. Please pray for clarity, direction and guidance. Pray that God’s will is revealed to him. Thank you so much.
Received: August 26, 2019
Please pray for the salvation of my son and his family - Daymon, Amanda, Andrew and Dylan. Thank you
Received: August 24, 2019
For Ashley's house to sell quickly... for buyers to come forth. For my wife Stacey of 17 years to overcome several types of addictions, cheating, lying, anger, bitterness. She left our marriage and filed for divorce. Please pray for restoration in our marriage. And pray for peach and guidance for my son Chris.
Received: August 24, 2019
Ashley Marrinan
My 15-year-old daughter recently committed suicide. She was being bullied and had some other issues. We are living day by day. The school she went to had a memorial service for her for the kids that were her friends and the student body. Please pray for those students. They need to know my baby girl is at peace and in Heaven, no longer in pain. We could not see her pain because she always had a smile on her face she hid it so well. But I knew it was there and was getting her help. She went to her dad's for the summer and had a bad day. She got his gun and that was it. Making a temporary problem end with a permanent solution. I pray that if I can help one person in need then God is working through me to help more. The unwanted first days hurt a lot. We are still processing everything but I want to pray for the school, the first responders, EMTs, and police all of whom had to see my baby like that.
No one should have to bury their child but I know where my baby is and I know she is happy and no longer in pain. Please pray for us and everyone involved in the death of my child.
Received: August 23, 2019
My son is struggling with school and all that comes with it. (Body issues, emotions, school work & studies)
I need prayers for confidence, love and understanding. I want him to enjoy his school years and not be stressed.
Thank you
Received: August 22, 2019
This prayer has been answered!
I have a huge prayer request. My younger sister who is only 40 years old was recently diagnosed with stage four cancer. She has two forms and they are very aggressive she is currently receiving chemotherapy and radiation we are asking for everyone’s prayers and God‘s mercy that he spared her life. Her name is Robin she is a police officer in Pittsburg she works with the youth. She is the most loving and giving person I know who is always smiling and you can never get her down. She is trying to remain strong for all of us but her body is getting weaker every day. I am asking all of East Texas to please join in prayer so that the cancer treatments work and kill out this evil inside of her. Thank you
Received: August 22, 2019
My husband has been unfaithful with a married woman. Their relationship has been going on for about 2 years. He said he stopped and wanted to work on our marriage, but I feel he has been still seeing/communicating with her. Please pray for my husband to stop all forms of communication with her and honor his vows. Also pray for her to find her own husband. Whatever void she is trying to fill in mine, and for her to recommit to her marriage .