Prayer Center
two radio stations. One mission.
Need prayer during work hours? Call one of our DJs Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
Alisha W
Received word that my rent is going up. I am a single mom of 3 boys. I already work a full time job and 2 part time jobs. I juggle commute to work in town but live outside of the city where it is already cheaper. I juggle the co parenting life and travel to get my boys ever week. I am running on fumes. I need prayers that God continues to provide a way for us, whether it a better full time job, a freeze in rent increase or something. Truly don’t know how much longer I can continue holding on. My boys are the only reason I keep fighting to move forward otherwise it would be easy to give up. Please pray for us. God has blessed us and continues to do so but I am definitely going to need guidance to keep pushing forward if rent keeps going up. I am mentally drained. Thank you.