Get Prayer & Pray for Others at the
Prayer Center
Whether you’re in need of prayer or looking to pray for others, the Prayer Center is the place for you.
two radio stations. One mission.
Need prayer during work hours? Call one of our DJs Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
I am a single mama. I have a child with a rare incurable illness. She takes a lot of meds daily. This causes a lot of mental struggles as well as physical. I also have a daughter at home in college and working. My adult son has moved back home after a divorce and takes all his anger out on the wrong people. My stress level is through the roof. My faith is strong. But I ask for prayers for peace and calmness in my home.