Prayer Center
two radio stations. One mission.
Need prayer during work hours? Call one of our DJs Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
Prayers for my family please. 4 years ago my husband had to have some major surgeries and hasn't been able to work since. This year my son has had to have 2 different surgeries and go through tons of Physical therapy. It's been a complete change in our family dynamic. It's been a struggle just to stay afloat, our marriage is suffering our child and his mental health are struggling and it's been a huge financial downfall. Now the credit card companies are coming after us. I'm trying to hold on but I don't know how much more we can take. If it wasn't for food banks we wouldn't even have food to eat. Please pray for a complete healing in my family. Thank you so much.