Prayer Center
two radio stations. One mission.
Need prayer during work hours? Call one of our DJs Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm to be prayed with & encouraged.
Need prayer after hours? Call the Billy Graham Prayer line 24/7 at 855-255-PRAY to get prayer any time you’d like.
We have been married 28 years. I found out my husband was having an affair with a married woman for the past 3 years. He said he gave her up to focus on our marriage. 8 months later, I find out that was a lie. He never gave her up and they were still together. He once again claims to have given her up. We now pray together and went to marriage counseling very recently. I have found a hidden folder of photos of the two of them. He tried to justify the picture as ok since there was no contact had been made since the last time he was caught. I explained to him that is still adultery according to the Bible. Please pray for my marriage.