The crock-pot: an invention that has saved many busy families from going hungry when their whole day is insane! But the beauty of something so versatile is that it really CAN do almost anything (minus vacuuming). Here are a few things that can be made in your 1 (or many) slow cookers that isn’t the usual pot-roast:
- Brownies: Oh yeah, ooey gooey triple chocolate fudge brownies, all in the crock-pot. Just smell the chocolate-y goodness!
Candles: Why not? If it melts, you can make it in the slow cooker. Here are instructions for making slow cooker Christmas candles, which you could adapt for any other season.
- Cheesecake: Yum! Check out this recipe for Crock-Pot cheesecake.
- Crayons: Melt down those crayon stubs to create all-new crayons using your slow cooker.
- Dye yarn: Yes, you too can use your Crock-Pot to dye yarn. And here are instructions using Kool Aid.
- French fries: Here’s a recipe for homemade “Red Robin” French fries.
- Granola: Could use this for after a good work-out! You can make granola in your slow cooker.
- Mashed potatoes: This makes perfect sense, actually. Here’s a recipe for Crock-Pot mashed potatoes.
- Play-Dough: Make your own Play-Dough using the slow cooker.
- Potpourri: Turn your slow cooker into a fragrant potpourri air freshener.
- Soap: As with candles, if you can melt it, you can make it in a slow cooker. Here are instructions for making soap in a Crock-Pot.
- Yogurt: Supposedly hands down, the easiest way to make yogurt is in your slow cooker.
What’s been the best thing that’s come out of a crock-pot for you? Send the answers my way at