Sometimes there are those Facebook/Twitter posts that give you the jolt of laughter you needed that day. But some, like the one my dear friend Ashton posted, that I should NEVER read or watch before I’m about to go on the air. As she wrote along with the video:
“Perception is huge! I struggle with self image (probably just like you) and the person that looks back at me in the mirror often isn’t as pretty as I want her to be. I compare her to other people and think “if only I could move that…loose this…lift there” But the truth is I’m not suppose to look like anyone else. Neither are you! God created a one of a kind masterpiece when He created you. Embrace it 🙂 “
You and I are so harsh on ourselves way too often, pointing out every flaw we can possibly think. And even when someone calls you beautiful, most just shrug it off as nonsense (even myself when my husband says it). The reality is that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! You are Handsome!! So take a minute today to really see yourself through the Lord’s eyes, because He will never make anything less then beautiful.
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