Tragedy can bring people together, and hope can grow out of it! As I said on the air earlier today, there seems to be this bond that’s formed between children of Law Enforcement Officials – you meet someone whose father or mother is an Officer and you just have to chat with them, you can’t explain it.
- It may be because of the same worry you go through as a kid for your parent.
- Or maybe the moments of joy from getting to ride in the police car once…or three times
- Or the firm, but loving, discipline that came from your parent who knew the truth and ugliness of the world.
For whatever reason, that bond is always there, and will be part of your life forever. That’s why I know the children of the Officers in Dallas will have an even bigger bond from now until eternity. I pray for y’all always –Nikki
“The daughter of Sgt. Michael Smith made a bracelet for the daughter of Officer Patrick Zamarripa & gave it to her yesterday at a memorial for their fathers and the three other Dallas officers who were killed in the ambush.
These little girls are forever connected by this tragedy, but hopefully– eventually– comforted by the fact their fathers were heroes.
(picture & explanation courtesy of Monica Vasquez, close Zamarripa family friend)” – Lauren Zakalik, Journalist