Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
It’s not everyday you open your email box to see the words “Your DNA Results Are In,” but that’s how my day started! See, a few months ago Nathan had decided to get us each one of those DNA test kits to find out more about who we really are – our makeup of ethnicities, our heritage. After getting the kits and doing the whole, “swab your mouth for a good minute” bit, we sent them off to see what the scientists would find. You could imagine my joy when, after almost 2 months, I got the email that said the results were in
I had always had somewhat of an understanding of my family, but to see what else I’m made up of (5.7% of North African, what?) was AWESOME! To also see some of my family tree, people who’ve also used this company to trace our family tree back for generations, was pretty awesome and made me appreciate who God created me to be! I couldn’t help though thinking about those on the other side of seeing an email like this one…
- The ones adopted, really not knowing who they are
- The orphans who never had a family to call FAMILY
- The family that had lost touch of their roots, estranged from people they never met because of their parents or grandparents
That headline of “Your DNA Results Are In” holds a lot more power than any of us could imagine if you were in one of these groups! I’m here to tell you though, if you do fall into one of the groups above, you do belong…and no DNA test has to confirm that. You are a child of Christ Jesus, a daughter or son of the One True God, and you are LOVED. You are my brother, you are my sister, and we are family for eternity if you believe. 2 Corinthians 6:18 says it beautifully…
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
So even though it would be fun to find out who you are through science, through faith you are part of a family that no evil from the world could ever break!
(P.S. The test kit we used was MyHeritage, but, 23AndMe or LivingDNA are just a few others you could choose to use)
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