Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
The warmer weather is getting here, so why not have some tunes that make the East TX temperatures come alive? Thanks as always to our KVNE Music Crew (which you can sign-up for HERE), we were able to narrow down the 30+ songs to these latest 3! Hope you enjoy, and always feel free to reach out and let us know what you think 🙂
I Am They, My Feet Are on the Rock
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from this crew, but since their first single “From the Day” came out (and is still a favorite our y’alls), they’ve gone through some band changes, some life changes, and some overall growth that really shows in this first single off their new album “Trial & Triumph.” Here’s a little more about the song…
Chris Tomlin, Resurrection Power
This East TX native seems like he never takes a break…or maybe he does and we just don’t know it! Either way, Chris has been busy with wrapping up Worship Night in America 2018, creating a record label himself (Bowyer & Bow), helping the first artist on his label, Pat Barrett with music, and creating new music himself. Can we say WHEW!! This is the first single off his new album coming out later this year – soak it in because you may hearing it at church soon!
Hawk Nelson, He Still Does (Miracles)
The word MIRACLE has a lot of weight behind it. For some, they don’t trust it because they feel like they’ve never seen one before, and maybe have hoped for one and “been let down.” Others though see that word as one full of hope, one that inspires them to see the whole world differently. As the guys in Hawk Nelson have gone through a lot in the process of making this new single (and the new album that it’s on…which is out right now), they’ve chosen to see the latter, as lead singer Jon explains more
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