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Get Thee Forth and Sparkle!

Posted on March 14, 2017
By Fletcher Jonson
89.5 KVNE East Texas Christian Radio Heard On Air Blog Spiderweb
Susan O’Donnell
89.5 KVNE Afternoons

I was out in the country the other day, up early, when I passed a beautiful flower garden. As I was admiring the beauty of the flowers and the greenery, I saw something shimmering in the morning sun caught my eye. I looked deep into the garden and there shining like a diamond-studded necklace was a beautiful little spiderweb.

89.5 KVNE East Texas Christian Radio Heard On Air Blog SpiderwebWith the dew droplets clinging to the threads of the amazing structure, it literally sparkled! There, in the corner of that beautiful little lacy web, was the spider herself. I was struck by the intricate work she had done, something I know she does day after day throughout her life.

That’s when it hit me!

Does she know what a beautiful addition to the garden her little web is this morning? Probably not. She continues on her routine never knowing it would stop me in my tracks and make me marvel at what art her daily work had become in my world.

As you continue your daily routine today, remember that little spider and her beautiful, sparkling, dew-covered web in the garden. You may be going about your day, not realizing that the work of your hand or the work of your heart can become a thing of art and beauty for someone who comes across it in this garden of life.

To you, it’s the same sort of day and same sort of work that you’ve been carrying out in almost a mundane manner for days, months even years. But today could be the day that someone is going to see it covered in the refreshing morning dew of God’s new mercies. It’s going to sparkle in their eyes and heart like diamonds!

So, work today as to the Lord, and wait for the Son to shine and turn that work into a beautiful piece of sparkling art in someone’s heart.

Is there anything in your life that reminds you of God’s beauty and handiwork? We’d love to know about it! Just leave a comment below! 🙂

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