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God: Bigger Than Your Problem.

Posted on May 10, 2021
By Mike Harper

Got a problem that never gets resolved? What’s been an issue forever and seems will always be?

Our finite minds write it off as “hopeless.” But God is so much bigger than our minds. He can bring light to any situation.

Has your loved one died? God can make even death into something redemptive. Maybe you have a broken relationship with no apparent resolution? God can change that.

That’s our situation. We have a family member who has forsaken his faith and estranged himself from us. I pray for him daily. I get discouraged, but I trust God to draw him back.

And why not? He’s God! The Creator of everything operates on such a higher plane, there aren’t enough brain cells in our heads to process His capabilities.

That’s why we have hope! He’s the ultimate, highest, and best. We think our limited reasoning is able to find answers and peace? We fall so woefully short.

There’s no better place to devote your life and nobody stronger to provide wisdom and comfort. He’s bigger than relationships, health crises, or finances. Bigger than anything!

Even YOUR problem.

“His way is perfect” Psalm 18:30


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