Home < God is Doing a New Thing!

God is Doing a New Thing!

Posted on March 8, 2019
By Carrie Parsons
Carrie Parsons 89.5 KVNE Mornings

I’m one of those people who takes a lot of photos of my dogs. If you pull out pics of your kids or grandkids, here I am with cute photos of Comet and Dexter. They really are pretty adorable.  See? 

I know! They ARE the cutest!

I love walking the pooches when the weather is nice. (I hope my husband doesn’t see this…I’d never admit this to him or I’d alwaysbe walking the dogs. I’m not the only one that needs a little exercise in my family 😉 !)

So we were taking a stroll on one of those great weather mornings and we noticed that the trees were in bloom. You know, that moment when you realize…it’s almost SPRING?! I mean, it was just a few weeks ago that they all looked lifeless and bare. Now the trees were so lovely, and it made me think about how God changes things.

Isaiah 43:19 says “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

I am so thankful that God changes things. He’s working on me and He’s working on you, too! Be patient. Trust Him. He’s molding you into something great!

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