Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
If you’re a constant coffee consumer, then you’ve probably experienced one of these before: the dreaded caffeine withdrawal! Usually this tends to happen when you go a day or two without coffee because you just forget OR you’re off your usual schedule and forget. And how do you know you forgot your precious coffee – by a massive headache usually!
When one of those headaches happen to me, the first thing I do is find the nearest coffee and consume it. If that still doesn’t help, some water and ibuprofen and I should be good to go, starting to feel more and more like myself again.
The same thing can really happen with our spiritual cup-o-joe…but it’s not as in-your-face (until sometimes it’s too late).
See, if you call yourself a Christian, and you really want to have a relationship with Christ, you have to have time with Him daily. The problem is that, unlike caffeine-withdrawals, there’s no intense physical pain we go through when we have what I dub “God-Withdrawals.” First it starts with a day skipped here and there because “things got too busy.” But then those days here and there become weeks, and before you know it, you only pick-up your Bible or talk to God at church and go months without having true daily time with Him.
But we need that time with Him, more then daily cups of coffee – they are daily cups of joy, grace, and reminders that you’re not alone. I write this as a reminder for myself as well–I’ve been the last few months in this struggle too (one of the reasons why my word for 2018 is Focus). Even though I may not have pounding headaches to remind me I’ve missed time with God yesterday, I need to be on top of things better, and getting my priorities in check.
Revelation 3:20, “(God says) See! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and we will eat together.”
May I encourage you to join in with me, changing things for the better instead of having constant God-Withdrawals, our spiritual cup becoming emptier and emptier!
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