Some shy away from “old Guy-isms.” Words of caution, words of patience, words of unmerited grace in tense situations. We may disdain “sounding old.” But I contend it’s a blessing to embrace.
The older I get, the wiser I get. I’m not necessarily any wiser than the next guy, but even though I often get it wrong, I know simply living life in Jesus brings wisdom.
Dreams fade, our bodies slow down, and people hurt us. And so we learn to appreciate each day as a gift, knowing we’re not guaranteed tomorrow. These are certainties we realize if we live long enough.
And that’s the point. You’ve lived long enough! That alone is reason to be thankful. But beyond the obvious benefits, seeking God brings wisdom and perspective. This means learning and sharing the lessons of life.
This life can hurt. Leaning into God equals comfort, strength, and direction.
And yes, wisdom. Even for me… and for you!
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – Jesus (John 16:33)