Home < I Love You!

I Love You!

Posted on April 24, 2018
By Mike Harper
89.5 KVNE East Texas Christian Radio I Love You Heard On Air Blog Featured Image
Mike Harper
89.5 KVNE Mornings

Billions and billions of people have walked the earth.

Most of them we’ll never meet. People from the middle ages, people from Jesus’ day. People from London, people from France. (No, I’m not going to say the word that rhymes with France.)

The mind reels with all the people whom God has created and will create. Each one different. Each one passionately loved by Him. Some receiving that love, many who did not or will not.

But that doesn’t change the facts. God loves each person like he or she is the only one. God made each person unique, yet in His image. God made each person with a purpose, yet with a free will. God made each person with gifts, yet imperfect.

What a massive God! What unfathomable creativity. What unreachable wisdom. What incomprehensible love!

The numbers alone are mind-blowing.

Can you imagine what Heaven will be like when we have the ability to encounter the boundless multitudes of those who have gone before us?

Try to wrap your brain around the largest group of people ever assembled. My thoughts immediately go to First Monday Trade Days in Canton, but even that pales in comparison.

There will be more people praising God in that place than our finite minds can comprehend.

What about YOUR people?

If you were to total the sum of the people you’ve ever known, it may seem like many. But compared to the immeasurable number of souls we will never encounter, we have been blessed to have influence on a precious few while living in this world.

Throughout the ages and countless masses of those to whom He has given breath, he reserved one treasured tribe to be a part of your life!

Count your blessings. Those people in your life. Your family and friends who have helped shape the fabric of who you are today. Make a conscious effort to reach out to those to whom you still can with a selfless love that says “you are important to me.”

Love God. Love others.

“No one has ever seen God, but if we love one another, God abides in us and His love is perfected in us.” 1 John 4:12

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