Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
Only a few more weeks for families and teachers to enjoy the summer sun and some type of body of water (even in the form of a kiddie-pool). And I know it’s been HOT in East TX, with temperatures reaching the triple-digits, but hopefully you’ve found ways to escape the heat just a bit. We hope to keep bringing you music like these latest 3 to keep you pumped-up, no matter if you’re listening inside or out!
Citizen Way (ft. Bart Millard), “WaveWalker”
If you ever want to see what fun in a dad-van can look like, just jump over now and again to this group’s social media accounts! In between spending time with their families and making memories, Ben, David and Daniel have been playing summer festivals, helping out with conferences, and working on new music for a new album. This one’s the first song off it, and what better way to kick-off a new album then to have label-mate, Bart Millard from MercyMe, join in. Here’s a little more about the song:
Joel Vaughn, “Pray it Up”
He’s a new artist to KVNE, but has been working on music for a few years now. Originally from South Carolina, but now calls Nashville home for him, his wife, and their little ones, Joel has been playing a few festivals this summer while working on his first EP out July 27th (that’ll have this song on it). Joel chats a little more about his heart for this song:
Plumb, “Beautifully Broken”
Always ready to be raw and real, Plumb (aka Tiffany Lee) does it once again in this powerful song off of the album of the same name. She also has laid it all out in a new book, “Fight for Her (even if you have to fight her),” and has been working on a music video for this song that shes dubbed “A Dream Come True.”
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