Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
If you ever want to see joy in the little things in life, spend a few hours with a high schooler!
Looking at my computer desk, lined-up on the top in a very neat order, is a line of tiny paper turtles. The reason: one of my ladies from YoungLife decided they needed to be put there…and stay there. With each turtle she taped on, a giggle came from her 16 year old self. This was part of my Wednesday morning, and I think we all need these kind of moments.
Moments to remember the simple joys in life.
Moments to do things out of the ordinary.
Moments to be creative and quirky.
In the busyness of your day to day activities, the schedules and outlines and calendars, remember that you only have one life that God has given you…so how are you living it? Are you taking time to really enjoy life, enjoy laughter, enjoy our Father above?
Even though it’s a verses that you’ve probably heard time and time again, truly reflect on this from the Psalms:
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” -Psalm 118:24
My challenge to you is to take a minute to reflect on the life you’ve been given, and find joy in the small things more!
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