Amy Austin
89.5 KVNE Evenings
I went to jury duty a few days ago. Even though I work in the evening, I got up early so I would be on time. I get summons quite often for, city and county courts.
Today, I hoped I would finally be a part of our country’s justice system. I was excited to say the least. I have always been faithful to attend when I received a summon. It’s a privilege to be an American where freedom and justice are treasured. No, I’m not being facetious, I’m very serious. After the judge came in and explained what exemptions were allowed, we began!
Imagine my face when I did not get chosen. I couldn’t believe it! This time really hurt (okay, that’s a bit dramatic). All I wanted to do was be a part of a jury. Yep, I was denied – again!
On the way home, I thought what would it be like if the God we serve was inconsistent or unreliable. There are so many words we can use to describe God, but those certainly don’t apply! He is always constant and true. He loves us with a love that we can’t even imagine.
Yes, I’ll keep going when I am summoned, and yes, I still want that chance to see justice in action. I’ll be there one day, and when I do, I’ll yell it loud enough for all to hear!
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