Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
We’re powering through the summer here in East TX, which can sometimes feel like the days drag on. But you hopefully are getting a little pick me up with the latest songs added to our rotation! And don’t forget, to let us know what you think about new music coming our way, sign-up to take our Music Surveys. Who knows, you may get the chance to win a fun Care Package during one of the surveys! You can sign-up HERE
Natalie Grant, “More Than Anything”
It’s been a few months since her vocal chord surgery, a scare that really could’ve ended her singing career. But through amazing doctors, and of course, the wonderful healing God brought her, Natalie is performing and praising our Father in huge ways still. And you can definitely feel that praise in the message and power of this latest track. Here’s a live performance that may or may not give you happy chills while listening!
Sanctus Real, “Confidence”
The band put a little pause on music when lead singer, Matt Hammitt, decided that it was time to spend more time with his family, the non-profit him and his wife created, and some side music he’d been working on. But now they’re back with a new lead singer and a little different sound to their music – hopefully it’s just what you’ve been looking for!
MercyMe, “Grace Got You”
A question that quite a few ask about this group is “Can they put out a song that no one is going to like?” So far, it doesn’t look like that’s the case, and it’s been proven even with this one. If you own their latest album, “Lifer,” you probably have already danced and sang very loudly to this one already (and you probably are also wondering where the rap part from John Reuben is…sorry). Yet whether this is the 100th or 1st time listening to it, here’s MercyMe’s thoughts about the song:
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