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New Year, New Laws

Posted on January 2, 2014
By Nikki Martinez

If I haven’t said it recently, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Rolling out a new year means making new decisions, goals, and for the government, putting into effect new laws. About 600 new laws to be exact, which I’m not going to try and list all of them on this blog, but you can check the whole thing out HERE. To summarize, here are a few of the bigger ones that might make you rethink/re-examine certain choices for 2014:

  • For apartment tenants living in complexes that offer “all bills paid” must be given fair notice if their utilities face disconnection because the landlord failed to pay the bills.


  • Also in apartments, another law protects domestic violence victims, allowing them to get out of a lease for the benefit of their safety.


  • Applying for a concealed handgun license in Texas? You can now get it without providing your social security number. And classroom instruction hours have been reduced.


  • Service animals assisting veterans with post traumatic stress will get access to the same public settings as dogs who assist the blind.


  • Indoor tanning beds will be off limits for anyone under 18 years of age.


Again, if you’d like to see all 600 laws, click HERE and have a fun read!


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