Mike Harper
89.5 KVNE Mornings
You had the best intentions. You’ve had marginal success. Take heart! There is still 95% of the year left!
First of all, nobody says “resolutions” anymore. The most popular resolution is “I’m not making any.” We still decide to make positive changes, we just give it different names. “Adjustments,” “Intentions,” “Purpose.” We can call it “Bob” if we want. It’s all the same. We all want to improve!
January is typically when most of these declarations take place. Somehow our new year feels like the time for a new us. This time frame is completely arbitrary, of course. It could a new month, new season, or a new hour for that matter. But we choose “New Year’s” resolutions. (Subject word optional)
Our pastor encouraged us to fast something for January. It could be anything from food to TV. Just give up something for 30 days in honor of the Lord. Great idea. One month: we can do this! He suggested trying a no-sugar diet. He joked, “Hey, it can’t hurt you!!” Well, who can argue with that?!
So I tried it. You can imagine what happened next. Very early on, words like “moderation” and “special occasions” entered my vocabulary. What a coincidence! After all, moderation sounds so reasonable. And special occasions? Come on! How about a 60th birthday right out of the chute? It rarely gets more “special” than that. So special, in fact, the 60th birthday turned into a 60th birth-four-day-weekend.
Next thing you know, a free cruise was dropped in our laps. Another “special occasion.” I know. Waa-waa. Poor Mike. He has to go on a cruise. You make an excellent point. But you have to admit it’s not the most conducive environment for a “diet,” thereby adding to the challenge of best-laid plans.
Maybe 2019? No!
There’s still hope!
First, I don’t have a problem with the word “resolutions.” It’s just a word. It’s a fine word. But it’s become white noise during the New Year’s season. Call it what you want. I’m not so sure “New Year’s Resolution” is the best strategy. A whole year? It’s like this insurmountable time mountain. We need something more manageable. Baby steps.
I propose “New Day’s Resolutions.” Every day is a new opportunity.
Start each day in the Bible and prayer, even if it’s just a few minutes. Get your heart and mind in the right place. Take care of your spirit. This alone goes a long way to fix a multitude of issues.
Maintain your body. Walk. Do moderate exercise. Keep junk out. Go to bed early. Take a break once in a while.
Maintain your relationships. Call your family. See your friends. Help people in need.
You can’t do it all. But do something. It doesn’t take a giant proclamation every January to improve. You can start today.
“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” ~ Psalm 118:24
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