Slow Down, You Move Too Fast.
You got to make the morning last.
This Paul Simon song has taken on more meaning, as “simplifying” becomes more relevant and needed.
A popular term today is “mindfulness,” or being present, appreciating the moment. The word itself has no known Christian origin, but the intent reminds me of biblical values. This is the day the Lord has made. Jesus came that we may have abundant life. Don’t be anxious.
Recognizing the value of living is difficult when we’re busy, hurried, and distracted. If we never pause to reflect, pray, and give thanks, our anxiety increases.
As a Jesus follower, I want to emulate His life. Ever notice He was never in a hurry? He lived simply, and intentionally. He gave priority to God and others. I want to be like Him!
So I’m making efforts to minimize. I’m not quitting my job or running away, but cutting back on things that aren’t making me more like Jesus. Slowing down. Avoiding multi-tasking. Unplugging. Finding quiet time. And guess what. I’m finding peace!
“Feelin’ groovy.” 🙂