Your wedding day. Your graduation. Your son or daughter’s baptism. The birth of your first grandchild. These are great examples of major life events! It was during one of these momentous occasions of celebration when I received this sound advice:
“Soak it up.”
Enjoy the moment. It doesn’t last forever! Time flies, so soak up these special days. Wise counsel. But do we have to wait for a major life event to relish and appreciate the blessing? Of course not!
What about right now? Is this a relatively “ordinary” day? Maybe there’s no ceremony, anniversary, or vacation scheduled in your immediate future. When there is, be sure to make a it point to thank the Lord for it!
But if not, we can still thank God for the day He’s made, rejoice, and be glad in it! Right now! Even on an “ordinary” day! God is good, He loves us, and we’re not guaranteed tomorrow! So…
Soak it up!