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Staying Cool While Pregnant in the Summer!

Posted on August 8, 2013
By Nikki Martinez

If it’s one complaint I’ve heard from multiple mothers across the years, it’s “I couldn’t STAND being pregnant during the summer.” Well, with all the hot flashes, mood swings, and weight you gain, I can kind-of understand the discomfort the summer heat brings on expectant ladies, and the frustration behind it. To increase the coolness and decrease the discomfort, Mary Fischer at The Stir suggests these few tips to keep cool:

  1. Drink plenty of water — This is a given, since drinking water is instilled in us from the time we become pregnant. But it’s even more important in warmer temperatures, when you’re perspiring more and losing electrolytes. Make sure to drink water at a steady pace throughout the day, because if you are thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.
  2. Stay indoors — Remaining inside in the air conditioning on super-hot days may be a bit of a drag, but it’s the best way to protect you and your baby. And if you must venture out of the house, try and avoid leaving during the hottest hours of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
  3. Take a dip — If you have access to a pool, it will help with cooling you off. Just make sure to wear extra sunblock, as pregnant women are more susceptible to sunburn.
  4. Wear appropriate fabrics — Don’t make the mistake of wearing clothes that don’t allow your skin to breathe. Stick to cotton — and skip the polyester.
  5. Shower often — You may wind up feeling the heat even indoors, so taking multiple showers throughout the day will help keep your temperature cooler.
  6. Carry a spray bottle — Misting yourself with cool water if you happen to be outdoors will help a bit, and even better if you have a mister with a fan on the spout.
  7. Eat smaller, lighter meals — I know, I know, watching what you eat is tough during pregnancy. But eating smaller, more frequent meals will keep your metabolism steady. If you gorge on larger portions, your metabolism has to work harder and generates more heat in your body.
  8. Use cold compresses — You’re pregnant, for crying out loud. Wet a few washcloths and stick them in your freezer, then pull them out on a hot day, lay down, put your feet up, and place the compress on your forehead. (I did this and it worked like a charm during my pregnancy.)
  9. Get some rest — Sometimes there’s no better way to beat the heat than taking a nap in a cool, dark room. This is one of the last times you can nap without interruptions whenever you please anyway, so you might as well go for it and stay comfortable in the process.
  10. Don’t over-exert yourself — Sure, you want to stay in shape during your pregnancy, but working out in the middle of a heat wave isn’t worth the risk. Now is the time to take it easy and not do anything that will make you sweat any more than you already are


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