You’ve saved and saved, never letting your spending money be used on things that AREN’T on sale. Well, thanks to Wendy Rose Gould at Daily Finance, let’s see what deals in the month of August you can get with the money you’ve saved smartly:
Storage and Organizational Supplies
From March to May, a cleaning and organizational phenomenon sweeps the nation: spring cleaning. By August, however, most people have completed the closet-purging process and the demand for storage and organizational supplies drops. Naturally, a decrease in demand results in a decrease in prices. Watch for slashed tags on items such as storage bins, boxes, containers, totes, hangers, shelving and even wardrobe units.
It’s August, which means vintners are about to dive head first into grape-harvesting season. Starting this month and throughout autumn, wineries across the globe will put last harvest’s wines on sale in an effort to make room for new bottles. Whether you prefer something sweet, something dry or something in between, now is the time to stock up. Note that you’re more likely to find the best deals at local wineries when you buy directly from them. Many wineries also offer discounts of up to 25 or 30 percent when you purchase by the case.
Fashion Accessories
Looking to refresh your wardrobe for autumn? Sometimes all you need is a new pair of kicks, a hip new belt or a scarf to tie it all together. Lucky for you, August is the time to buy all of the above, plus other fashion accessories such as hats and jewelry. Naturally, the lighter and more summer-friendly accessories will be discounted the most, but often, you can transition those warm-weather accessories straight into fall. In previous Augusts, discounts on fashion accessories ranged from 40 to 75 percent, according to CBS News. Also keep an eye out for deals on summer clothing, which may be scarce, but will certainly be discounted.
Athletic Apparel and Gear
Companies that sell athletic apparel and goods see major spikes in sales roughly twice a year. The first — and perhaps the largest — comes at the beginning of the year due to all those New Year’s resolutions to get in shape and/or lose weight. The second arrives in early spring as more people jump back into warm-weather activities such as hiking, running and team sports. By August, retailers see a drop off in athletic-related sales. As a result, they put products such as athletic clothing, shoes and equipment on sale. Check out prices on bikes, balls, workout equipment, yoga accessories, apparel and more.
Laptops, Tablets and PCs
August is crunch time for back-to-school shoppers. While youngsters in grade school may not need new personal computers, tablets or laptops, students heading off to universities — and even many high schoolers — certainly do. Because so many electronic retailers and companies are vying for your patronage, they tend to offer tantalizing specials on products both new and old. Check for deals in your local inserts and keep an eye out for online specials, as well. For even bigger savings, opt for refurbished electronics.
Summer, naturally, is one of the busiest travel seasons; children are out of school and the weather is nice. Fall, on the other hand, is not. Kids are buckling down in arithmetic and history classes while adults are refocusing on work, so leisure purchases such as plane tickets, cruises and hotel accommodations decline markedly. Even gas prices tend to be cheaper in the fall compared to the summer months, making road trips more affordable, as well. If you’re able to take the time off, schedule that vacation you’ve been meaning to take for some time in late August through October. Starting in November, prices will begin to go up as people prepare for holiday travel.
What’s something that you were THRILLED to wait for until it was on sale? Leave a note below if you’d like ~Nikki 🙂