Mike Harper 89.5 KVNE Mornings
People give at Christmas. It’s a wonderful time.Much of what is given is food. Delicious food. Sweet, tasty, delicious food.
Terrible, unhealthy, artificial food.
I get the heart behind it. Nothing says “I care about you” like a big tray of assorted cookies. Homemade fudge. Cake. Brownies. Mass quantities of salty, snacky, processed yumminess. It’s SO gooood.
And it’ll kill you.
We know these foods are bad for us, yet we continue to give them to our loved ones.
“But it’s Christmas,” you say. “It’s meant out of love,” you say.
If we really loved someone, wouldn’t we give treats to enhance their health?
But how weird would it be to give a tray of assorted chia seeds? “Here. Enjoy this broccoli.” Or “I brought you a basket of kale.” Very weird.
And unlikely.
All the same, I’m inspired.
This year, I’m getting everyone multi-vitamins.
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