Mike Harper
89.5 KVNE Mornings
Max Lucado said it: “The path to peace is paved with prayer.” He also said “Life gives you lemons, but you don’t have to suck on them.” But that’s a different blog.
Your day is destined for surprises. Some great, some not so great. And as much as some of us would like to, we can’t plan every second. We don’t have that kind of control.
We make awesome strides though, don’t we? We have meetings about meetings. We have calendars of our calendars. We have phones that are smarter than we are. After all, we want to be productive. We want to be efficient. We do all we can to make sure we get the most out of our time.
But ultimately, we have no idea what the day will bring. And when plans go awry and circumstances run amuck, it’s easy to feel the anxiety. Our faces may get red. Our voices might quiver. Our armpits could very possibly get sweaty. Sorry. Too much?
Just know that while we really don’t hold the reigns to the direction of our path, we do hold on to a marvelous truth. God who loves you would also love to guide you today. He’s just waiting for you to ask.
And the peace that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind, and you can relax. Even in the darkest times.
So go ahead… ask Him. He WILL bring peace!
Huh… Turns out ol’ Max was right again.
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