Got a place to live, plenty to eat, and people who love you?
Maybe you wish you had a nicer place, an unlimited diet, or that person hadn’t hurt you. For now, turn your thoughts away from that. Right now. Do it.
Did you do it?
There are so many reasons to be thankful. I could list them, but I think it’s better if you do it. Go ahead. Several of the reasons are right in front of you, within eyesight, within reach. Watch as the blessings stack up, anxiety declines.
We’re not guaranteed tomorrow. It’s a harsh reality. We don’t like to think about it. Don’t dwell on it, but don’t forget it either.
Lots of us have more yesterdays than we have tomorrows. Be grateful for your yesterdays. They made you who you are today. Ask God for help with tomorrow. Because ultimately, all we’ve got is today.
And today is a really good day.