Nikki Martinez
89.5 KVNE Middays
I’ll admit it, I’m a fan of technology! But when is technology a burden more than a helpful tool?
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Oh My Gosh (Not Abbreviated), this is Exactly how I feel, and how Every Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Facetime, Skype, etc, Addict needs to learn. It’s not Social if there’s not actually Social Interaction involved, Period. If you want to talk to someone, Call them. If you want to see someone, Visit them. Its not that hard. Don’t pretend to have 150 ‘friends’ when those people are someone you haven’t ‘talked’ to or ‘seen’ in years. Sorry if you’re offended, but I hope and pray that the media, social networks, and technology itself hasn’t and won’t hurt humanity as much as it can. Thanks Nikki!
No problem AC! Glad to re-post this piece – it really does make us stop and think! –Nikki
I LOVE this. We miss out on so much of life because we are always too busy “socializing.” Put down the phone, computer, etc. and spend some quality time with family and friends. The ones you can actually see face to face, in person, not on a screen.
Sooo true. After living away from my family for quite a few years, I understood the need for technology to communicate with them. But now they’re closer by, face to face is something I treasure! -Nikki