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Ways You Can Be a Fun Mom

Posted on August 17, 2020
By Carrie Parsons

As school starts and schedules change, it’s easy to feel like you have to be perfect…the perfect mom, the perfect wife, or maybe even the perfect Christian. The truth is perfection is not just a ridiculously high standard; it’s an impossible standard. This truth can be stated no more plainly than in Romans 3:10, which says,

“None is righteous, no, not one.”

So, let go of the urge to be perfect and have some fun! Here’s an article for some ways to have fun with your kids to get you started!

You’re a great mom whether you see yourself as fun or not. And, let’s be real—sometimes we are in no mood for fun. At this very moment, my kitchen counters are covered in unwashed plates, dirty bowls, and a cast-iron skillet caked with scrambled egg crust. I don’t feel like finding fun things to do with kids. I feel tired.

But, two weeks ago, I wasn’t just a fun mom. I was an F-U-N mom. Here are some easy ways you can be a fun mom, too.

  1. Unexpected is the U in fun.

Pile the kids in the car and say you’re going for a “concert drive.” Then sing at the top of your lungs. Surprise your kids with an outdoor picnic for dinner or throw a blanket under your kitchen table and eat under the table with music blasting.

  1. Relax the rules.

Want a quick path to fun mom status? Break out of your usual routine—make bedtime a little later, go a little bigger and bolder on dessert options, announce a “no more chores!” day and play games with your kids instead.

  1. Laugh. A lot.

The mother of one of my son’s friends laughs all the time. She has a great, hearty laugh that turns a normal conversation into something to be happy about. In fact, I think that’s what makes her so fun to be around. She’s light-hearted, upbeat, and laughs easily. If you’re not that kind of mom, no worries. Just sprinkle in some laughter here and there.

  1. Let your kids pick on you.

My kids think I’m funny—funny as in goofy, eccentric, and a bit overboard. That’s okay with me. In fact, I often play it up. “Oh, Mom,” they’ll say with an eye roll while they hug me and make fun of how I just mispronounced a YouTuber’s name. They pick on me about my clothing choices. “Uh, no, Mom, you can’t wear that shirt.” They make comments with smiles on their faces and kindness in their hearts. They’re laughing at me and with me.

  1. Play with them.

If your kids are little, sit on the floor with them and build something out of Legos. If they love sports, head outside for a game of Wiffle ball. If you have older kids, sit by them on the couch when they want to show you funny videos.

  1. Outsource to others.

You don’t have to be the primary provider of fun in your kids’ lives. You can take them to events at the library (I took my kids to an animal show, once, at our library), to a funny movie, or to hang out with other families, to up the fun level. It’s also okay for our kids to see that we can’t always be the source of their fun (and if you ever think you can’t be fun because your mindset or mental health has taken a serious turn, get professional help. Even fun, good moms need help at times.). When we take a break from our fun-mom role, our kids get the chance to get creative on their own or with their siblings.

Source: imom.com


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