Carrie Parsons
89.5 KVNE Mornings
I love church marquees. Living in East Texas, you’ll find one on just about every corner. They can be funny, or thought-provoking, and many times, God speaks directly through these powerful little signs. I was driving through Elkhart, Texas, the other night, a tiny town with a tiny church. The marquee, all lit up, said “You are enough. You. Are. Enough. I said it out loud as I drove by. Exactly what I needed to hear. It reminded me of my favorite verse from Second Peter.
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. — 2 Peter 1: 3
That’s right – He has given us everything we need. We don’t need to be prettier, stronger, richer, smarter. He loves us just the way we are. Does He work on us? Does He refine us and make us better? Absolutely.
Don’t ever think you’re not good enough for God to love you. He loves you so much that he gave his only Son… for you. For me. You are enough. Thank you Elkhart, Texas, for your little church marquee. Your population may be small, but your sign is powerful.
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