

Nikki Martinez 89.5 KVNE Middays If you’re a constant coffee consumer, then you’ve probably experienced one of these before: the dreaded caffeine withdrawal! Usually this tends to happen when you go a day or two without coffee because you just forget OR...
DNA Results

DNA Results

Nikki Martinez 89.5 KVNE Middays It’s not everyday you open your email box to see the words “Your DNA Results Are In,” but that’s how my day started! See, a few months ago Nathan had decided to get us each one of those DNA test kits to find out...
Never Picked For Jury Duty

Never Picked For Jury Duty

Amy Austin 89.5 KVNE Evenings I went to jury duty a few days ago. Even though I work in the evening, I got up early so I would be on time. I get summons quite often for, city and county courts. Today, I hoped I would finally be a part of our country’s justice system....
Oops! Missed it by THAT much!

Oops! Missed it by THAT much!

Sometimes missing a point by a tiny bit can make all of the difference in life. On a break this week I set up my sound effects to use a rim shot on the punch line. However, accidently, as I fired the mouse to play that effect I moved the arrow less than a 1/4 of an...